Monday, September 9, 2013

It's Official!...I'm an Arbonne Consultant!

I have embarked on a new adventure! I have become an Arbonne consultant. For those of you who don't know what Arbonne is, let me tell you a little about the company. Arbonne is an all natural beauty products line that was founded in Switzerland. All the products of Arbonne are Pure. Safe. and Beneficial. They have no artificial fillers or by products in them. They sell make-up, skin care lines for men and women, and health and wellness products like protein shake mix and vitamins. I LOVE Arbonne's make-up line and the protein shake mix!  I'm very excited that God has provided me with this opportunity to sell products that I use and believe in! If y'all have any questions about Arbonne and what it is go a head and contact me! Hope y'all have a blessed day!
