Well it's been a while since I've posted something, but I've been doing some soul searching and throwing myself into the Word and reading some pretty amazing books and I've been putting off a post because I wasn't quite sure what the Lord wanted me to share with y'all. But now I want to share with y'all what the Lord has been showing me throughout the last few months. The Lord has been showing, no telling me that I need to be patient and wait in HIS timing. I want certain things, have certain goals and I get frustrated when then don't happen in my time. However the Lord's timing is perfect so why wouldn't I wait for HIS time!? Trust me, by no means have I gotten this down to a science! I still struggle with patience everyday, but when I find myself complaining or becoming impatient about something in my life, I take a step back, ask God to forgive me and center my mind and focus back on HIM, and I find myself becoming more and more patient with the things I can't control.
I'm reading the book Altar Ego by Craig Groeschel (he is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors!) and I just finished reading a chapter that was all about patience and it really hit home for me. One quote that really opened my eyes was this..."The world offers substitutes for (or counterfeits of) real things: physical pleasure, material things, pride in what we have and what we do. Before long, our sinful desires for the counterfeits of this world lure us into short-term decisions with long-term consequences." Another quote from this book that really hit me was..."We allow our out-of-control, fleshly desires to overwhelm our better senses. We allow our egos, instead of our altar egos, to drive our desires." So many times in my life have I let my fleshly desires to get in the way. I've wanted more material things and I've been prideful of things that I can't even take to heaven with me! Why!? One of the main reasons why is because I wasn't keeping God the center of my life. When I got my focus back on the ONE who gave me this life and gave me breath is when I really started to realize that all the material things I have don't matter one bit! I don't want to live for a counterfeit I want the REAL thing! Like Craig Groeschel said towards the end of this chapter "[When] We pursue God with all of our hearts his desires become our desires." I want my desires to be God's desires for my life so I'm gonna pursue God with all I've got! A verse that has always been a favorite of mine and has really helped me recently is Psalm 37:4...Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
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